The following program uses the modified Newton's method to find the minimum of a function . The modification part performs a linear search on the calculated guess refinement. This search further improves the refined values for the optimum.
The program prompts you to enter for each variable (i.e. dimension):
1. The maximum number of iterations.
2. The initial guesses for the optimum point for each variable.
3. The tolerance values for each variable.
The program displays intermediate values for the function and the variables. The program displays the following final results:
1. The coordinates of the minimum point.
2. The minimum function value.
3. The number of iterations
The current code finds the minimum for the following function:
f(x1,x2) =100 * (x1) ^ 2 - x2) ^ 2 + (1 - x1) ^ 2
Here is a sample session to solve for the optimum of the above function:
Here is the BASIC listing:
! Basic Newton's Method for Optimization !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! This program implements the Modified Newton Method that uses a line search ! step to improve the refined guess. As a result, this method can solve the ! Rosenbrook function in contrast with the pure Newton Method which cannot. ! !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- OPTION TYPO OPTION NOLET DECLARE NUMERIC MAX_VARS DECLARE NUMERIC N, I, F, Lambda DECLARE NUMERIC EPSF, fNorm DECLARE NUMERIC Iter, MaxIter DECLARE NUMERIC bStop, bOK, bTrue, bFalse Dim X(1), g(1,1) Dim Toler(1) Dim DeltaX(1), J(1, 1) Dim Index(1) MAX_VARS = 2 bTrue = 1 bFalse = 0 SUB MyFx(X(), N, Res) Res = 100 * (X(1) ^ 2 - X(2)) ^ 2 + (1 - X(1)) ^ 2 !Res = X(1) - X(2) + 2 * X(1) ^ 2 + 2 * X(1) * X(2) + X(2) ^ 2 END SUB SUB MyFxEx(N,X(),DeltaX(), Lambda, funRes) LOCAL I Dim XX(1) MAT REDIM XX(N) For I = 1 To N XX(I) = X(I) + Lambda * DeltaX(I) Next I CALL MyFx(XX, N, funRes) END SUB SUB LinSearch_DirectSearch(X(), N, Lambda, DeltaX(), boolRes) LOCAL MAX_ITER, TOLER LOCAL Iter, h, Diff, F0, Fp, Fm, Deriv1, Deriv2 MAX_ITER = 100 TOLER = 0.000001 boolRes = bTrue Iter = 0 Do Iter = Iter + 1 If Iter > MAX_ITER Then boolRes = bFalse Exit SUB End If h = 0.01 * (1 + Abs(Lambda)) CALL MyFxEx(N, X, DeltaX, Lambda, F0) CALL MyFxEx(N, X, DeltaX, Lambda + h, Fp) CALL MyFxEx(N, X, DeltaX, Lambda - h, Fm) Deriv1 = (Fp - Fm) / 2 / h Deriv2 = (Fp - 2 * F0 + Fm) / h ^ 2 If Deriv2 = 0 Then Exit SUB Diff = Deriv1 / Deriv2 Lambda = Lambda - Diff Loop Until Abs(Diff) < TOLER END SUB SUB FirstDeriv(N, X(), iVar, funRes) LOCAL Xt, h, Fp, Fm Xt = X(iVar) h = 0.01 * (1 + Abs(Xt)) X(iVar) = Xt + h CALL MyFx(X, N, Fp) X(iVar) = Xt - h CALL MyFx(X, N, Fm) X(iVar) = Xt funRes = (Fp - Fm) / 2 / h END SUB SUB SecondDeriv(N, X(), iVar, jVar, funRes) LOCAL Xt, Yt,HX, HY,F0, Fp, Fm LOCAL Fpp, Fmm, Fpm, Fmp ! calculate second derivative? If iVar = jVar Then CALL MyFx(X, N, F0) Xt = X(iVar) HX = 0.01 * (1 + Abs(Xt)) X(iVar) = Xt + HX CALL MyFx(X, N, Fp) X(iVar) = Xt - HX CALL MyFx(X, N, Fm) X(iVar) = Xt funRes = (Fp - 2 * F0 + Fm) / HX ^ 2 Else Xt = X(iVar) Yt = X(jVar) HX = 0.01 * (1 + Abs(Xt)) HY = 0.01 * (1 + Abs(Yt)) ! calculate Fpp X(iVar) = Xt + HX X(jVar) = Yt + HY CALL MyFx(X, N, Fpp) ! calculate Fmm X(iVar) = Xt - HX X(jVar) = Yt - HY CALL MyFx(X, N, Fmm) ! calculate Fpm X(iVar) = Xt + HX X(jVar) = Yt - HY CALL MyFx(X, N, Fpm) ! calculate Fmp X(iVar) = Xt - HX X(jVar) = Yt + HY CALL MyFx(X, N, Fmp) X(iVar) = Xt X(jVar) = Yt funRes = (Fpp - Fmp - Fpm + Fmm) / (4 * HX * HY) End If END SUB SUB GetFirstDerives(N, X(), FirstDerivX(,)) LOCAL I For I = 1 To N CALL FirstDeriv(N, X, I, FirstDerivX(I,1)) Next I END SUB SUB GetSecondDerives(N, X(), SecondDerivX(,)) LOCAL I, J For I = 1 To N For J = 1 To N CALL SecondDeriv(N, X, I, J, SecondDerivX(I, J)) Next J Next I END SUB ! Basic Newton's Method for Optimization N = MAX_VARS MAT REDIM X(N), g(N,1) MAT REDIM Toler(N) MAT REDIM DeltaX(N), J(N, N) MAT REDIM Index(N) PRINT "NEWTON'S OPTIMIZATION METHOD (version 2)" ! INPUT PROMPT "Enter function tolerance value? ": epsf INPUT PROMPT "Enter maximum number iterations? ": MaxIter For I = 1 To N PRINT "Enter guess for X(";I;")"; INPUT X(I) PRINT "Enter tolerance for X(";I;")"; INPUT Toler(I) Next I Iter = 0 Do Iter = Iter + 1 If Iter > MaxIter Then PRINT "Reached maximum iterations limit" Exit Do End If CALL GetFirstDerives(N, X, g) ! test if gradient is shallow enough fNorm = 0 For I = 1 To N fNorm = fNorm + g(I,1)^2 Next I fNorm = Sqr(fNorm) ! If fNorm < EPSF Then Exit Do CALL GetSecondDerives(N, X, J) MAT J = INV(J) MAT g = J * g For I = 1 To N DeltaX(I) = g(I,1) Next I Lambda = 0.1 CALL LinSearch_DirectSearch(X, N, Lambda, DeltaX, bOK) If bOK = bFalse Then PRINT "Linear Search failed" Exit Do End If For I = 1 To N DeltaX(I) = Lambda * DeltaX(I) X(I) = X(I) + DeltaX(I) Next I bStop = bTrue For I = 1 To N If Abs(DeltaX(I)) > Toler(I) Then bStop = bFalse Exit For End If Next I CALL MyFx(X, N, F) PRINT "F = ";F;" "; For I = 1 To N PRINT "X=(";I;")=";X(I);" "; Next I PRINT Loop Until bStop = bTrue CALL MyFx(X, N, F) PRINT "**********FINAL RESULTS************" PRINT "Optimum at:" For I = 1 To N PRINT "X(";I;")=";X(I) Next I For I = 1 To N PRINT "Delta X(";I;")=";DeltaX(I) Next I PRINT "Function value ="; F PRINT "Number of iterations = ";Iter END
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